Welcome to our podcast, a collaborative project between Spanish and Italian students, focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. In this episode, we dive into SDG 14: Life Below Water. Together, we’ll explore the vital importance of conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. Join us as we discuss […]
Ep. #64: eTwinning Project: ON THE AIR by IES Mata Jove (Gijón, Spain) and Campus Leonardo da Vinci (Umbertide,Italy)
Welcome to our podcast, a collaborative effort between Spanish and Italian students, dedicated to exploring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. In this episode, we focus on SDG 2: Zero Hunger. Together, we will delve into the challenges of eradicating hunger, ensuring food security, and promoting sustainable agriculture. Join us as we share our […]
Ep. #62: eTwinning Project: ON THE AIR by IES Mata Jove (Gijón, Spain) and Campus Leonardo da Vinci (Umbertide,Italy)
Welcome to our podcast by Italian and Spanish students, focusing on Good Health and Well-Being, one of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. We’ll discuss why good health is crucial, share examples of successful health initiatives, and explore how promoting well-being can enhance lives worldwide. Tune in to learn more about this essential goal and […]
Ep. #61: eTwinning Project: ON THE AIR by IES Mata Jove (Gijón, Spain) and Campus Leonardo da Vinci (Umbertide,Italy)
Welcome to our podcast by Italian and Spanish students, focusing on Gender Equality, one of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. We’ll talk about why gender equality matters, share examples of progress, and explore how achieving equality can improve lives for everyone. Join us as we dive into this important topic!
Ep. #60: eTwinning Project: ON THE AIR by IES Mata Jove (Gijón, Spain) and Campus Leonardo da Vinci (Umbertide,Italy)
Welcome to our podcast by Italian and Spanish students, focusing on Quality Education, one of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. We’ll discuss why quality education is important, share examples of successful programs, and explore how education can help build a better future for everyone. Join us as we dive into this crucial topic!
Ep. #52: International women´s day in USA
Serie de episodios radiofónicos en conmemoración del 8M 2024. Podéis seguir todos los capítulos publicados en este ENLACE El 8M cuatro alumnas de 4 ESO Plurilingüe entrevistaron a nuestra auxiliar de conversación Tessa Cervantes-Roth y le preguntaron sobre el Día Internacional de la Mujer en USA.
IES Mata Jove en el FICX de Gijón 2021
El 26 de noviembre los alumnos de 4º ESO plurilingüe asistieron a la proyección de la película SOUL KIDS en el Teatro de la Laboral dentro del Ciclo Enfants Terribles del FICX. También participaron como jurado del mismo, votando dicha película. Fue una actividad organizada por el departamento de inglés.